Historical Vessel Points / Tracks (HVP/HVT)
The Historical Vessel web services (GWS) are part of Spire Maritime’s Geospatial Web Services™ (GWS).
These web services provide historical track and position information for vessels using Spire AIS data, and delivers the data in two formats that are Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant:
- The WFS services allow users to get features (data) in a variety of standard formats including CSV, GML, GeoJSON, and Shapefile.
- The WMS services allow users to get requested images of Spire AIS data in a variety of formats including PNG, JPEG, KML, etc.
An Identifier (eEID) is generated for each unique vessel based on reported characteristics to help improve the detection of erroneous messages and track a vessel’s entire Voyage of Life (VoL).
The HVP and HVT data sets
Data sets returned by GWS in response to requests made by end users contain fields in a specific sequential order.
The order in which those fields are returned is documented in the data schema tables listed in this section.
Data ingest methods that depend on field order, specifically commas separated values (.csv) format, need to take this into account.
HVP data set content
- Abstract
- Historical Vessel Positions by MMSI or unique identifier (eEID). HVP is defined by a set of all position reports (Points) by vessel/ship in the time period specified from the exactAIS Archive starting July 2011. A point inherits the latest vessel position, static, and voyage information at that time.
- Data Sources
- Real-time Satellite AIS (S-AIS) or Real-time Satellite and Terrestrial AIS (S/T-AIS) going back to July 2011
- Real-time Satellite, Terrestrial and Dynamic AIS (S/T/V-AIS) going back to April 2021
- Standard Lemur Satellite and Terrestrial AIS (S/T-AIS) going back to September 2022
- Standard Lemur Satellite, Terrestrial and Dynamic AIS (S/T/V-AIS) going back to September 2022
- Geographic Area of Interest
- Global
- Vessel Types
- Class A and B
- Geographic Data
- Point (WGS84)
- Vessel Identification Data Fields
mmsi, imo, vessel_name, callsign, vessel_type, vessel_type_code, vessel_type_cargo, flag_country, flag_code, vessel_class, vessel_type_main, vessel_type_sub, eeid
- Vessel Positional Data Fields
ts_pos_utc, dt_pos_utc, position (Point – WGS84), longitude, latitude, sog, cog, rot, heading, nav_status, nav_status_code, source, message_type, dtg
- Vessel Static/Voyage Information Data Fields
ts_static_utc, dt_static_utc, length, width, destination, eta, draught
- Geometry
- Point (WGS84)
HVP data schema
HVT data set content
- Abstract
- Historical Vessel Tracks by MMSI or unique identifier (eEID). HVT is defined by a set of segments (LineStrings/MultiLineStrings) by vessel/ship in the time period specified within the exactAIS Archive starting July 2011. HVT implements land avoidance and de-densification or decimation to simplify the vessel tracks. Further, HVT handles any anti-meridian crossings by constructing a MultiLineString at the intersection of the anti-meridian. A segment is defined by two consecutive vessel positions where the segment inherits the latest vessel position, static, and voyage information from the most recent of the two consecutive vessel positions.
- Data Sources
- Real-time Satellite AIS (S-AIS) or Real-time Satellite and Terrestrial AIS (S/T-AIS) going back to July 2011
- Real-time Satellite, Terrestrial and Dynamic AIS (S/T/V-AIS) going back to April 2021
- Standard Lemur Satellite and Terrestrial AIS (S/T-AIS) going back to September 2022
- Standard Lemur Satellite, Terrestrial and Dynamic AIS (S/T/V-AIS) going back to September 2022
- Geographic Area of Interest
- Global
- Vessel Types
- Class A and B
- Geographic Data
- LineString/MultiLineString (WGS84)
- Vessel Identification Data Fields
mmsi, imo, vessel_name, callsign, vessel_type, vessel_type_code, vessel_type_cargo, flag_country, flag_code, vessel_class, vessel_type_main, vessel_type_sub, eeid
- Vessel Positional Data Fields
ts_pos_utc, dt_pos_utc, segment (LineString/MultiLineString – WGS84), from_longitude, from_latitude, longitude, latitude, sog, cog, rot, heading, nav_status, nav_status_code, source, message_type, dtg
- Vessel Static/Voyage Information Data Fields
ts_static_utc, dt_static_utc, length, width, destination, eta, draught
- Geometry
- LineString/MultiLineString (WGS84)
HVT data schema
Data definition guide
Number- Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
Number- International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Text- Vessel Name
Text- Vessel Call Sign
Text- Vessel Type
Number- Vessel Type Code
Text- Vessel Type Cargo
Text- Vessel Type Main
Text- Vessel Type Sub-Category
Text- Country of Registration
Number- Country of Registration Code
Text- Class of Vessel (A/B)
Number- exactEarth Identifier (eEID)
Timestamp- Date and Time of Last Position AIS Message in UTC [
Timestamp- Date and Time of Last Position AIS Message in UTC [
Geometry- WGS84 Point, Geographic Location
Geometry- WGS84 LineString/MultiLineString, Geographic Segment
Number, Decimal Degrees- WGS 84 Longitude Coordinate
Number, Decimal Degrees- WGS 84 Latitude Coordinate
Number, Knots- Speed over Ground
- Course over Ground
Number, Degrees / Min- Rate of Turn
Number, Degrees- Heading
Text- Navigational Status
Number- Navigational Status Code
Text- Source of Position Report (Satellite AIS [S-AIS], Terrestrial AIS [T-AIS], or Vessel AIS [V-AIS])
Number, Decimal Degrees- WGS 84 Longitude Coordinate
Number, Decimal Degrees- WGS 84 Latitude Coordinate
Timestamp- ISO 8601 Date and Time of Last Position AIS Message in UTC [
Timestamp- Date and Time of Last Static AIS Message in UTC [
Timestamp- Date and Time of Last Static AIS Message in UTC [
Number, Metres- Length of Bow to Main Tower and Main Tower to Stern
Number, Metres- Length of Port to Main Tower and Main Tower to Starboard
Text- Port of Destination
Timestamp- Month, Day, Hour, and Minute of Estimated Time of Arrival in UTC [
Number, Metres- Vessel Draught
Timestamp- Date and Time of Last Insert in UTC [
Timestamp- Date and Time of Last Insert in UTC [
Number- AIS Position Message type (
OGC Support
HVP/HVT support all OGC WMS operations from implementation WMS 1.3.0 and all OGC WFS operations from implementations WFS 1.1.0, excluding Transaction.
Service Type | Service Modes | Versions | Common Parameters | Output Formats | Output File Sizes | Response Times |
WMS | GetMap , GetCapabilities , GetFeatureInfo , and GetLegendGraphic | 1.3.0 | SERVICE , VERSION , REQUEST , LAYERS , STYLES , BBOX , WIDTH , HEIGHT , SRS , FORMAT , and FILTER | PNG, JPEG, GIF, and KML/KMZ | Dynamic <1MB | < 3s |
WFS | GetCapabilities , GetFeature , and DescribeFeatureType | 1.1.0 | SERVICE , VERSION , REQUEST , TYPENAME , MAXFEATURES , OUTPUTFORMAT , and FILTER | CSV, GML (2, 3.1, 3.2), GeoJSON, and Shapefile | Approx. 1 KB / Record | < 1.5s / 50 Records |
Accessing the web services
HVP/HVT use HTTPS and user authentication via user token or user name and password to access information and are available at https://services.exactearth.com/gws
Service type | URL |
WMS | https://services.exactearth.com/gws/wms?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities |
WFS | https://services.exactearth.com/gws/wfs?service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=GetCapabilities |
HVP/HVT allow users to authenticate access to the services using either a token or basic authentication. Spire provides both a unique token and user name and password for each user.
The [authKey]
query string parameter of a WMS/WFS request provides the interface to enter a token to access the services using the following notation, “authKey=[TOKEN]
For basic authentication, users are required to enter user name and password credentials to access the services, for example, a web browser, OGC-compliant client, or application-level requestor.
Sorting & filtering
HVP/HVT support optional parameters and capabilities to enhance the usability of the service.
- Maximum Features (
) - Provides an ability to limit the number of features by request to the WFS services.
- Sorting (
) - Provides an ability to sort the values in a column in ascending or descending order by request to the WFS services. Sorting by ascending order is the default setting, using “
” will change the response to sorting by descending order. https://services.exactearth.com/gws/wfs?service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typeNames=exactAIS:LVI&maxFeatures=1&outputFormat=json&sortBy=ts_pos_utc+D
- Feature Counts (
) - Provides an ability to retrieve the number of features by request to the WFS services.
- Fields / Columns (
) - Provides an ability to specify the output fields / columns per request. The [
] query string parameter of a WFS request provides the interface to limit the fields / columns returned in the GetFeature request, for example, “propertyName=eeid,mmsi,vessel_name,ts_pos_utc
”. https://services.exactearth.com/gws/wfs?typenames=exactAIS:LVI&service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=getfeature&propertyName=eeid,mmsi,vessel_name,ts_pos_utc&outputFormat=json&maxFeatures=1
Spatiotemporal filtering
GWS 3.0 introduced the concept of spatiotemporal filtering based on a specific time range and area of interest. Per request, the maximum area cannot exceed 50,000 KM2 and temporal duration cannot be longer than any 24-hour period.
HVT spatiotemporal filtering example
A sample WFS request, GetFeature
, for historical vessel tracks for a specific time range (2020-03-01T22:00:00Z
and 2020-03-02T01:00:00Z
) and area of interest (San Francisco Bay Area) in JSON format.
HVP spatiotemporal filtering example
A sample WFS request, GetFeature
, for historical vessel positions for a specific time range (2020-03-01T22:00:00Z
and 2020-03-02T01:00:00Z
) and area of interest (San Francisco Bay Area) in JSON format.
OGC filtering
GWS supports OGC Filtering to allow for dynamic/ad-hoc customization of data responses based on geography, time, and AIS message attributes.
The below table provides a set of examples using OGC XML-based Filtering.
Filter Example | Filter example syntax |
Equal To (MMSI: AIS Message Attribute) | &filter=<Filter><PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyName>mmsi</PropertyName><Literal>372934000</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo></Filter> |
Between (SOG: AIS Message Attribute) | &filter=<Filter><PropertyIsBetween><PropertyName>sog</PropertyName><LowerBoundary><Literal>10</Literal></LowerBoundary><UpperBoundary><Literal>20</Literal></UpperBoundary></PropertyIsBetween></Filter> |
Geography | &filter=<Filter xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"><Intersects><PropertyName>position</PropertyName><gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:posList>-120 -8 -120 30 55 30 55 -8 -120 -8</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></Intersects></Filter> |
Latest Insert Update (Fetch Delta Updates) | &filter=<Filter><PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo><PropertyName>ts_insert_utc</PropertyName><Literal>20130724134900</Literal></PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo></Filter> |
HVT WFS Filtering example
A GML 3.2 output for historical vessel tracks for a specific vessel (eEID
: 4875242366182262128
) and time span (anytime in the last 90 days; start and end timestamps defined as YYYYMMDDHHmmss
CQL filtering
Extended Common Query Language (ECQL) is a query language supported by GWS and offers familiar text-based syntax with strong similarities to SQL for filtering.
For more information, please refer to https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/filter/ecql_reference.html#filter-ecql-reference.
The below table provides a set of examples using ECQL:
Filter Example | Filter example syntax |
Equal To (MMSI: AIS Message Attribute) | &cql_filter=mmsi=372934000 |
Between (SOG: AIS Message Attribute) | &cql_filter=sog BETWEEN 10 AND 2 |
Geography | &cql_filter=INTERSECTS(position, POLYGON((-120 -8, -120 30, 55 30, 55 -8, -120 -8))) |
Latest Insert Update (Fetch Delta Updates) | &cql_filter=ts_insert_utc>=20130724134900 |
HVT CQL filter example
A sample WFS request, GetFeature
, for historical vessel tracks for a specific vessel (MMSI
: 372934000
/ eEID
: 4875242366182262128
) in the last 15 days is included below.
HVP CQL filter example
A sample WFS request, GetFeature
, for historical vessel positions for a specific vessel (MMSI
: 372934000
/ eEID
: 4875242366182262128
) in the last 15 days is included below.
WMS customization
Layer style
GWS allows users to request styles (symbolization) to be applied to Web Map Service (WMS) GetMap
(image) responses.
Spire Maritime provides a variety of styles that can be used to customize the look and feel of rendered maps.
The [styles]
query string parameter of a WMS request provides the interface to enter a style to define the symbology to apply to the map output, “styles=[STYLE]
Historical Vessel Points
(Default)- Vessel symbol, single color, rotation by [
] VesselByType
- Vessel symbol, color by [
], rotation by [cog
] VesselBySpeed
- Vessel symbol, single color, rotation by [
], leader line symbol by [sog
] VesselBySpeedGrouped
- Vessel symbol, color by [
], rotation by [cog
] VesselByTypeSpeed
- Vessel symbol, color by [
], rotation by [cog
], leader line symbol by [sog
] VesselSpeedVector
- Leader line symbol by [
], rotation by [cog
] VesselBySource
- Vessel symbol, color by [
], rotation by [cog
] VesselByClass
- Vessel symbol, color by [
], rotation by [cog
] VesselLabel
- Vessel symbol, single color, rotation by [
], label by [vessel_name
] VesselLabelOverlay
- Label by [
] VesselLabelDateTime
- Circle point symbol, single color, label by [
] VesselLabelDateTimeOverlay
- Label by [
Historical Vessel Tracks
(default)- Location symbol, single color, label by [
] TrackBySpeed
- Location symbol, color by [
], label by [ts_pos_utc
GWS allows users to generate legends based on supported styles (symbolization).
The [request
] query string parameter, GetLegendGraphic, of a WMS request provides the interface to generate legends.
The [scale
], [style
], and [layer
] query string parameters control the appearance of the legend.
The below WMS 1.3.0 request provides a PNG image (legend) for the latest vessel information data set using the [style
] and [scale
] parameters to generate a legend based on the VesselByTypeSpeed
style at a map scale of 1:80,000.
Custom symbolization
GWS supports custom symbology to allow for dynamic/ad-hoc rendering of vessels.
The [env
] query string parameter of a WMS request provides the interface to change the vessel symbols using the following notation, “env=[PARAM]:[VALUE]
] query string parameters are delimited by “;
”, for example, “env=[PARAM1]:[VALUE1];[PARAM2]:[VALUE2]
Custom vessel color
To adjust the rendering of vessels by color, add the [color
] parameters to the [env
] query string parameter of a WMS request using the following notation, “env=color:hexadecimal
The hexadecimal is an RGB color code, defined as RRGGBB
The below WMS 1.3.0 request provides a PNG image for all global vessels from the latest vessel information data set using the [env
] parameter specifying all vessel be rendered as magenta (FF3366
Custom vessel point size
To adjust the rendering of vessels location symbol size for HVT/HVP, add the [psize
] parameters to the [env
] query string parameter of a WMS request using the following notation, “env=psize:Value
] query string parameters are delimited by “;
”.The value is a numeric integer.
The below WMS 1.3.0 request provides a PNG image for a vessels’ 30 day historical track using the [env
] parameter specifying all line segments be rendered as green (78AB46
) with location symbol sizes of 7 pixels.
HVT example
A sample WFS request, GetFeature
, for historical vessel tracks for a specific vessel (MMSI
: 372934000
/ eEID
: 4875242366182262128
) in the last 15 days is included below.
HVP example
A sample WFS request, GetFeature
, for historical vessel points for a specific vessel (MMSI
: 372934000
/ eEID
: 4875242366182262128
) in the last 15 days is included below.