How to weather-proof your supply chain

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Learn how weather data can help you build a climate-resilient supply chain

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Download this free white paper now to:

  • Understand how climate change is threatening global supply chain networks
  • Question whether supplier sites are prepared for climate variability across the globe
  • Identify step-by-step how to minimize the impact on your profit line with supply chain disruptions

A study identified 49% of the supplier sites of the sites located within Taiwan, the USA and in China had witnessed a rise in climate-related deviations with the share greater in China and Taiwan (93%) as compared to the USA (33%).

It appeared that only 11% of the sites surveyed across all these three nations fully met the requirements to manage procedural weather-related disruptions.

Is your company’s supply chain weather-friendly?


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Top weather events disrupting supply chain

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The power of space data in mitigating supply chain disruptions

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