Know Your Ship: Vessel Characteristics

Maritime use cases:

We have now added 40+ new fields (adding up to 70+ fields in total) related to vessel characteristics to our new Maritime 2.0 platform, allowing you to identify crucial information on your vessel of interest.

Commercial owner, the year a vessel was built, various dimension metrics, propulsion type and design, and vessel trading types are just to name a few. The data is refreshed weekly.

Here’s a little test for you Maritime experts; do you know what the following characteristics are?

  • Tpcmi
  • ReeferPoints
  • Air_draught
  • McoKw

Find the answers and our full list of available characteristics here.

Vessel Characteristics fields

Go Green with Vessel Characteristics

Use cases include monitoring the trade of goods, calibrating vessel performance, sanction compliance, or building up a holistic understanding of vessel types that visit specific ports. Vessel characteristics have also played an important role in understanding the impact of shipping on gas and particle emissions, like this published study from Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics that looked at both AIS and vessel characteristic data.

By providing this data on Maritime 2.0, our GraphQL interface provides a single end point for our vessel tracking and AIS data, making integration easier compared to other providers who may provide multiple integration points for their data sets. The full documentation can be found here, and here is an example of a Vessel Characteristics GraphQL query. Basic characteristics are available to all Maritime 2.0 customers and extended characteristics are available through additional licensing.

Are Those a Bunch of LPGs or Is a Dry Bulk Carrier Headed My Way?

Access our free live demo and view the full-featured, extended vessel characteristics data fields for a sample of real, live vessels.

Access the free Vessel Characteristics demo

Vessel characteristics free demo tool

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