Mission Operations

Mission Operations for satellites refer to the tasks and activities required to operate and manage a satellite mission in space. These tasks can include:

  • Satellite Health Monitoring: Mission operators monitor the satellite’s status and performance to ensure it functions correctly and diagnose any issues.
  • Payload Operations: Mission operators manage the satellite’s payload operations, including data collection, processing, and transmission to the ground.
  • Orbit Maintenance: Mission operators ensure the satellite remains in its intended orbit and make any necessary adjustments to maintain the satellite’s position.
  • Command and Control: Mission operators send orders to the satellite to control its functions, such as changing its orientation, activating its payloads, or adjusting its orbit.
  • Anomaly Resolution: In the event of an anomaly, mission operators work to diagnose and resolve the issue to restore normal operations.
  • Data Analysis: Mission operators analyse the data collected by the satellite to extract meaningful information and insights.

These mission operations are typically carried out by a team of experts on the ground, who work closely with the satellite to ensure its successful operation and completion of the mission objectives.

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