CNBC’s Lori Ann LaRocco on logistics
Journalist, producer, Freightwaves columnist and author Lori Ann LaRocco is passionate about logistics.
AIS Industry use case
Maritime AIS data continues to grow in importance as a powerful aid in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, as this data facilitates a rapid, targeted response to distress notifications. Spire AIS data pinpoints the last known position, course, heading, and speed of the vessel in distress.
Journalist, producer, Freightwaves columnist and author Lori Ann LaRocco is passionate about logistics.
There are vast, well-known sources of carbon emissions that threaten the global environment—vehicle emissions, electrical power generation, agriculture, etc.
Oil pollution wreaking devastation in the world’s oceans has a long, unfortunate history.
For virtually any commercial business or organization (governmental or non-governmental) in the modern world, the collection of quality data is of elemental importance.
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in 2020 we grew our constellation, increased our output, launched new features and stayed focused on our customers.
Find out how Global Fishing Watch’s carrier vessel portal promotes ocean sustainability by tracking transshipment with the help of AIS data.