Current Weather API
Access the latest weather conditions anywhere in the world in high resolution
Featuring a comprehensive set of surface weather parameters updated every hour at 3 km resolution, including precipitation rate, temperature, winds, visibility, and others; a perfect complement to our weather forecast and historical data products to fit all your weather needs.

Current Weather data packages
Core bundle
Dewpoint temperature
Effective cloud cover
Incoming shortwave radiation
Mean sea-level pressure
Precipitation rate
Precipitation type
Relative humidity
u-wind component
v-wind component
Wind speed
Wind direction
Wind gust speed
Get started today
All the current weather data you need from one source
Enhance your systems with our robust and intuitive API, providing the weather intelligence you need for strategic decision-making and operational excellence.
Our weather data making an impact in the real world

Dancing in the skies: Oklahoma cyclonic-anticyclonic tornado tango
A deep dive into the Fujiwhara effect that unfolded as two tornadoes swirled around each other in Oklahoma in late April amid a several-day stretch of severe weather hammering the central United States.

Spire High-Resolution Forecast expands to provide unmatched US coverage
Spire High-Resolution Forecast extends 3 km, hourly outputs to six days, offering traders and key industries unparalleled accuracy and detail. Available today for the US!

Mapping tornado hotspots: The world’s most active regions and why
Tornadoes are one of nature’s most destructive weather phenomena.