Historical Weather API
Access gridded historical weather data anywhere on the planet from 1990 to the present with Spire’s Historical Weather data
Use comprehensive historical weather datasets to compare events over the course of years, months, and days to make data-driven business decisions.

Historical weather data packages
Core bundle
Relative humidity
Dewpoint temperature
u-wind component
v-wind component
Wind speed
Wind direction
Mean sea-level pressure
Total precipitation
Wind gust
Max wind gust
Min and max temperature
Cloud cover
Skin (surface) temperature
Specific humidity
Soil moisture
Soil temperature
Latent heat flux
Sensible heat flux
Solar energy
Incoming shortwave surface radiation
Incoming longwave surface radiation
Outgoing shortwave surface radiation
Outgoing longwave surface radiation
Outgoing longwave radiation
Incoming shortwave surface radiation
Incoming longwave surface radiation
Outgoing shortwave surface radiation
Outgoing longwave surface radiation
Outgoing longwave radiation
Precipitation type
Maximum precipitation rate
Total snowfall
Snow depth
Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE)
Convective Inhibition (CIN)
Wind energy
u-wind component
v-wind component
Wind speed
Wind direction
Historical weather maritime data variables
Maritime bundle
Sea surface temperature
Significant wave height
Mean wave direction
Mean wave period
Maximum wave height
Ocean currents (eastward/northward components)
Ocean salinity
Sea ice fraction
Sea ice thickness
Maritime wave
Significant wind wave height
Mean wind wave direction
Mean wind wave period
Significant total swell wave height
Mean total swell wave direction
Mean total swell wave period
Maritime swell wave
Significant wave height of 1st swell partition
Mean wave direction of 1st swell partition
Mean period of 1st swell partition
Significant height of 2nd swell partition
Mean wave direction of 2nd swell partition
Mean wave period of 2nd swell partition
Land-sea mask
Ocean depth
Get started today
All the historical weather data you need from one source
Enhance your systems with our robust and intuitive API, providing the weather intelligence you need for strategic decision-making and operational excellence.
Historical weather data variables
Handpick your own weather variables as per your industrial requirements and challenges. You can also choose from our preconfigured variable packages that suit your needs. Below are the pre-packaged bundles which include multiple variables based on common industry requirements.
Core Variables:
Dew point Temperature
Relative Humidity
Wind Speed & Direction
Wind Gust Speed
Maximum Wind Gust Speed
Mean sea-level pressure
Total Precipitation
Min and Max temperature
Cloud cover
Agriculture Variables:
Skin Temperature
Specific Humidity
Soil Moisture (0-7cm, 7-28cm, 28-100cm, 100-289cm)
Soil Temperature (0-7cm, 7-28cm, 28-100cm, 100-289cm)
Latent Heat Flux
Sensible Heat Flux
Radiation Variables:
Incoming Shortwave Radiation
Incoming Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (top of atmosphere)
Invariant Fields:
Soil Type
Low Vegetation Cover
Type of Low Vegetation
High Vegetarian Cover
Type of High Vegetation
Terrain height
Precipitation Variables:
Precipitation Type
Maximum Precipitation Rate
Total Snowfall
Snow Depth
Thunderstorm Variables:
Renewable Energy Variables:
100m Wind Speed
100m Wind Direction
Other Variables:
Surface Pressure
Maritime Historical data
Maritime Variables:
Sea Surface Temperature
Total Waves (Combining swell and wind waves)
– Significant Height
– Mean Direction
– Mean Period
Maximum Wave Height
Sea Ice Fraction
Maritime Waves Variables:
Wind Waves
– Significant Height
– Mean Direction
– Mean Period
Total Swell Waves
– Significant Height
– Mean Direction
– Mean Period
Maritime Swell Waves Variables:
Swell Waves Partition 1
– Significant Height
– Mean Direction
– Mean Period
Swell Waves Partition 2
– Significant Height
– Mean Direction
– Mean Period
Invariant Fields:
Land-Sea Mask
Ocean Depth (Model bathymetry)
All the historical weather data you need from one single provider
Modern supercomputing has allowed us to process trillions of data points to make it easily accessible for our customers.
Our weather data making an impact in the real world

Dancing in the skies: Oklahoma cyclonic-anticyclonic tornado tango
A deep dive into the Fujiwhara effect that unfolded as two tornadoes swirled around each other in Oklahoma in late April amid a several-day stretch of severe weather hammering the central United States.

Struck by danger: Understanding lightning risks at worksites and outdoor events
A deep dive into lightning fatalities in the United States and the risks facing businesses, workers, and event organizers underscores the importance of preparedness and risk mitigation.

Economic impacts of escalating weather disasters
Mitigating the financial and operational risks of climate change-fueled extreme weather.